About the project

  • County of San Diego, CA
  • San Diego, CA
1) As-Needed Engineering Services for FHWA Funded Projects (Contract No. 550261), San Diego, California
2) As-Needed Engineering, Project Management, and Land Surveying Services (Contract No. 561886), San Diego, CA

Project Description

  1. As-Needed Engineering Services for FHWA Funded Projects


Federal, Transportation




2015 – 2020

NCM was the top ranked firm in this procurement which involved providing as needed engineering services related to County’s Capital Improvement Program (CIP) FHWA funded projects. Engineering Services under this contract were delivered through project specific task orders.

As the prime consultant, NCM was responsible for task order execution, managing, overseeing, designing, and delivering the following task orders encompassing a broad spectrum of project types. All 16 task orders have been delivered on schedule and within negotiated budget.


  1. As-Needed Engineering, Project Management, and Land Surveying Services






2019 – Ongoing


NCM was selected as the top ranked firm in this new procurement which involved providing as needed engineering services (contract value $5M over 5 years) related to County’s Capital Improvement Program (CIP) non-federally funded projects. Similar to federally funded projects Engineering Services under this contract were delivered or ongoing through project specific task orders encompassing a wide variety of project types. Based on performance on these task orders the County is continue to issue additional task orders under this contract.

As the prime consultant, NCM was responsible for task order execution, managing, overseeing, designing, and delivering the following task orders encompassing a broad spectrum of project types. All 16 task orders have been delivered or on track to be delivered on schedule and within negotiated budget.